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Great Cooler for a Hot Day: Peachy Fruit Slush

July 18, 2015



When it’s hot like it’s going to be today, this fruit slush is refreshing, nourishing and satisfying (and oh yes, it just might spike your sugar level). Or, for a breakfast treat with morning coffee.

My friend at work, Kimberly Metzler, made this for a special break once and shared the recipe. She says when she makes this she also freezes some in individual sized containers to pack in her husband’s lunch thermos. It thaws just right by lunch time and helps keep the rest of his lunch cold, too. He has a lawn mowing business so I’m sure it tastes really good in the middle of a hot day.


Peachy Fruit Slush

6 oz. can frozen orange juice (my grocery store doesn’t carry 6 oz. sizes so I just used half a 12 oz. can)
3 cups water
1 cup sugar

Heat water to melt the orange juice and sugar; mix together. Chill.


1 – 20 oz. can crushed pineapple (and natural juice)
2 quarts or 2 – 29 oz. cans peaches and juice, chopped slightly in blender (I used lite sugar sliced/canned)

(If you have fresh peaches to use, I’m sure they’d be divine!)

Plus add any other fruit you want and have on hand, to your liking
½ cup blueberries
1 cup sliced strawberries
1 bananas, chopped


Mix together, freeze. Thaw slightly to serve.

Adapted slightly from Kimberly Metzler.



What’s your favorite cooler on a hot day?


Kimberly and other colleagues from MennoMedia/Third Way contributed numerous recipes to the collection of nearly 100 tasty dishes in my book, Whatever Happened To Dinner? Find out more here or purchase.

Whatever Happened to Dinner?


This is my 300th post on this blog! The recipes I share here were inspired by the experience of working on the Whatever Happened to Dinner book with my colleagues. If you’re on Facebook, head over to the Whatever Happened to Dinner Facebook page to spy the recent cover picture (courtesy of my daughter) of grandson Sam, learning how to blow his food to edible temperature! And if you’ve never “liked” the page, I’d love it if you would click that! Thanks.

From → Food, Recipes

  1. Your photo shoots look as though they belong on the pages of Southern Living.

    Kimberly Metzler is one smart cookie to pack a treat that cools in two ways. I wonder whether she (or her husband) is related to any Metzlers from Manheim or Lititz, PA area where my mother was born.

    On a hot day: water-melon or home-made ice cream can’t be beat!

  2. Thanks, Marian, I have fun & it helps me kick back and truly enjoy the present like we were discussing over on your blog. I’ll ask Kimberly about her husband’s relatives, they do hail (both) from Pa., I believe.

    And you are right, watermelon is a usual (and favorite) go-to hot day refresher. I love ice cream of course but it is not quite as thirst quenching as watermelon. Have a good one–today is not quite as hot as they predicted here.

  3. Marilyn R permalink

    Thanks for sharing this special summer treat.

    • It was fun to make and I still have some in my freezer for a small group meeting at the end of August. I think it will still be hot enough outside to enjoy it then, don’t you think?

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